I have been observing the enrollment process of MSU-IIT approximately 6 years of staying here in IIT. There are a lot of improvements in terms of automation as well as realization that makes the enrollment process short compared 8 years ago.
My writing today will focus on the problem during the enrollment.
1. Punctuality of People Involved. In general, one problem I observed during the enrollment is people involved in each process of the enrollment. Of course, excluding those who extends there work just to make the students feel as if the enrollment flow is fine and there are no missing people.
2. Lack of Planning. If planning is actually done before the enrollment I can say, it does not pass through thorough analysis and simulation. Example: I supposed that queue in the cashier is expected and the exit gate (entrance for vehicles) will be closed, but when I arrived in the morning first day of enrollment, there is no sign that the gate will be closed or even the chairs/huts outside the cashier is not yet assembled. I arrived around 8:30AM.
3. Lack of information and support for students. We cannot even see a visible information desk. Even the staff that is assigned in one process, for example assessment, does not know what's exactly is the next process and what are the requirements for each process. Except for those who's knowledgeable.
4. Students not cleared. Even though there are announcement that no clearance during enrollment period, there are still students who does not care for this. They will take care for there liabilities during the enrollment which sometimes disturb staff/faculty who is assigned a new task during the enrollment.
5. Students with INC or no grade. There are still faculty who cannot submit there grades on time. Some students also cannot complete the requirements of the course that is still trying to complete during the enrollment process.
These are some of the problems I think need to be address by the persons involved. We are trying to improve the enrolment through the use of technology but this will be nothing or less effective without the sense of responsibility of individuals.