Each of us have different preferences about anything in the world. Some might love to drink coke and others might be tea. You might be playing Farm Town (FT) and your friend on the other hand is Farm Ville.
Here are some of my observations that I hate everytime I am playing FT.
1. The message that will appear "...can only be planted on plowed fields." - where in fact all the square in my farm is already plowed. It's weaird.
2. My avatar just slide, instead of striding. I don't know why is this happening.
3. Do not know where's the way. We call this does not know the shortest path. Imagine, you just click the square almost beside the previous square but what the character will do is walking to a few blocks away before it will return to the block that you've clicked.
4. When you clear something, other square will be cleaned. - Although it has a confirmation message to clean what you supposed to select but still I have it if I accidentally press the yes button.
5. You bought a lot of useless things. You can gain experience points but HELLO those things are useless.
6. They gave 1000 experience points for mansion. You need not experience points at that time cause there is no level higher than 34.
These are only some of the Don't Like experience in playing Farm Town. So whats the summary. I ENJOY farm town, although I'm not that excited as of now.
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