Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Period

I've been finding time lately to confirm someone close to me. I am preparing this for how many days, I mean, the choice of word, the appropriate time to tell him the way I give an end to an affair. I want to have a graceful exit because I don't want someone to be hurt. I am the type of person who can tell anybody the appropriate words even if it hurts. But not in this case, I'm trying to be sensitive on this matter because of this desperate person. Someone who is looking for comfort but never found one.

So I decided to talk to him in a bar, short talk. I cannot describe everything, but it was just like someone planned, for even the the environment go with my plan. It was perfect! It might be that someone who observed me may not understand what I did, but I can say it was good for us.

So I ended it with a period. I understand that just like a sentences relationship require a period. A sentence that ends with question mark requires an answer. An exclamation point might requires a reaction but a period may end in silence.

That was me... everything is clear and every party has an option.

Note: Picture appears above has no connection with what im telling u.


Rabby said...

Because ur life continues...

Anonymous said...

But it can be another story